The Irish Architecture Foundation is hosting its first-ever live Reimagine Café as part of the Dublin Art Book Fair.
Reimagine Cafe: Manuals for Future Places
When: Tuesday, November 30th, 1pm.
Booking: Here
The Reimagine Café is a welcoming community space for those involved in placemaking and reimagining their built environment.
Curated by Lisa Godson, the theme of the Dublin Art Book Fair for 2021 is “Manual”. This Café takes its inspiration from this curatorial theme, in particular the role printed matter plays in providing “guidance, instruction and understanding”, and being a tool for change.
For one hour, the Irish Architecture Foundation will hold this space for a conversation about Place, urban design and community-led design. Using the Reimagine Pocket Guides as a starting point, this is an opportunity for discussion on the way that toolkits, guidelines and manuals support our experience of and impact on the world around us. Commissioned by the IAF with texts by Alan Mee, Emma Geoghegan and Orla Murphy, this event will be the first time these Pocket Guides will be available in print.
Reimagine is a nationwide placemaking programme delivered by the Irish Architecture Foundation, working with communities across Ireland to co-create and co-design solutions to problems or opportunities they’ve identified in their locality.
Reimagine is supported by Creative Ireland’s national creativity fund and the Dept of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The Irish Architecture Foundation is a vibrant and passionate organisation that seeks to champion the power of architecture to transform lives and improve the places where we live, learn, work and play. Reimagine is a nationwide placemaking programme by the Irish Architecture Foundation, working with communities across Ireland to co-create and co-design solutions to problems or opportunities they’ve identified in their locality. Reimagine matches architects with local partners, enabling communities to play an active role in the development of their neighbourhoods, streetscapes, parks, villages and towns.
This event takes place as part of Dublin Art Book Fair 2021: Manual, sponsored by Henry J Lyons and supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.