
Reimagine Café – This Place Makes Me Feel
Join us in Headford for a Reimagine Café as part of the Something In The Water Community Arts Festival.

Join us at Duffy’s in Headford, Co. Galway for a Reimagine Café as part of the Something In The Water Community Arts Festival.

Friday 4 October, 6-7:30pm

Location: Duffys Barbers Shop H91T9N4

As part of the IAF’s Reimagine Café series, this is a workshop and discussion about connecting, and how personal emotional responses to places can be connected to how those places look, sound and feel. The event will start with a walkabout, followed by a journaling workshop and sharing session, with the aim of supporting participants to identify and address the things that make places feel bad, and recognising that caring for places also means caring for each other.

Free event, advance booking on Eventbrite.


Reimagine Café is a welcoming community space for all those interested in placemaking and reimagining their built environment. It is an annual series of workshops and informal conversations delivered through Reimagine which is the Irish Architecture Foundation’s nationwide placemaking programme.

Reimagine is funded by the Arts Council, Department of Rural and Community Development with additional support from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

IAF Re-Imagine