
Hometown Architect Open Call – Information Sessions
Join us online for information sessions on the Hometown Architect open call on November 23rd and December 13th, to learn more about the process and clarify any queries. Register here today.

The Hometown Architect open call from Reimagine is currently accepting joint applications from community groups and local architects with big ideas to revitalise their town or village. In 2023, 5 communities will be awarded supports to the value of €10,000 for projects that focus on the regeneration of their town centres. Applications will be accepted until 16th January 2023, with full details of the call available here.

If you are an architect or community member who is interested in applying, we will be holding two online information sessions on the below dates where you can learn more about the process and clarify any queries. Register for the sessions at the links below.

Info session 1: Wednesday 23rd Nov, 12pm – 1pm. Register here.

Info session 2: Tues 13th Dec, 12 – 1pm. Register here.

Hometown Architect and the Reimagine programme are funded by the Arts Council and Department of Rural and Community Development, with additional support to the Irish Architecture Foundation from the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage.

IAF Re-Imagine